295 kr
Varav moms: 59 kr
Art. Nr: 672-6970
TrendSpa: 4057
Extra Nr: 1072
Hylla: H07 - D01
6 st
Leveransstatus: 3-5 dagar
- Waterway Water/Air Manifold 6 Barb
- 3/4" Spigot x Spigot x 3/8" Smooth Barb
- Indoor and outdoor use
- Excellent chemical resistance
- 230psi rated
- Supplied with 1 x 3/4" plug
Barb style manifolds work with vinyl or reinforced pipe. Semi rigid pipe does not seal to barbed styled manifolds.
If using ribbed manifold secure pipe in place with clips.
If using smooth manifold secure pipe in place with PVC glue.
Manifolds can be cut down if less barbs are required, or joined if more barbs are required.