VL801D - 8 Knappar - 10823

Timer, Mode, Warm, Cool, Blower, Jet, Light, Aux

349 kr
Varav moms: 69,80 kr

Art. Nr: 10823
TrendSpa: 3812
Hylla: P01 - S21
Lagerstatus: 1 st
Leveransstatus: 3-5 dagar
Billigaste frakt från 79 kr


Balboa Overlay  VL801D - 10823 8 Button - 1 Pump + Blower
Button Layout:  Time Mode/Prog Warm Blower Light Cool Jets 1 Aux

8 button rectangle shaped overlay for the VL801D panel range from Balboa

All overlays in the VL range have a dedicated light button, and will feature a variation on the number of jet buttons and other operational buttons. The temp button may be either a single or dual button layout. Refer to the picture for the exact button layout.

Overlays can also be known as inlays, stickers or decals.

Balboa over the years have re-branded so slight differences in the colour and design of the layout may be present.
We will always send out the most recent overlay we have.

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